You can afford acupuncture!
Community Style Acupuncture is acupuncture performed in a community setting, the way it has been practiced in China for thousands of years. Meeting Point Community Acupuncture in Denver, Golden and Grand Junction, Colorado are modeled after Working Class Acupuncture, a community clinic in Portland, OR. At Meeting Point we have a beautiful semi-private community room with several massage tables and recliners. In this setting several people can receive treatments at the same time; this creates a healing energy (Qi). We talk in low voices in the community room in order to respect privacy. By practicing community-style acupuncture we are able to keep prices low so you can afford to receive acupuncture to get and stay healthy.
Community Acupuncture Cost
Initial Community Acupuncture: $35-$65 (includes $15 paperwork fee)
Follow-up Community Acupuncture: $20-$50
We have a sliding fee scale for people who receive treatments in our community room (20-$50 per treatment). You pay what you can afford. We do not need proof of your income or financial status. Our clinic model is designed to make acupuncture an affordable healthcare option for everyone.
The Peoples Organization for Community Acupuncture, or POCA (, defines community acupuncture as follows:
Community Acupuncture is the practice of offering acupuncture:
- in a setting where multiple patients receive treatments at the same time;
- by financially sustainable and accountable means, whereby community acupuncture clinics depend directly on the support of the people who receive acupuncture in them, rather than on grants, donations, or other funding;
- within a context of accessibility, which we create by providing consistent hours, by making frequent treatments readily available, by offering affordable services, and by lowering all the barriers to treatment that we possibly can, for as many people as we possibly can, while continuing to be financially self-sustaining.